Marvels of Nature Stickers
These stickers, designed by Kelly Washatka, are approximately 3" and made of sturdy matte-finish vinyl - perfect for water bottles and tech cases!
The "Wow, look at that moon!" sticker is a love letter to all the lunar lookers out there. Whether you're the mystic who stays up late for a lunar eclipse, the friend who will get everyone's attention for the low harvest moon, or the long-distance parent texting blurry photos of the moon over your house to your kids (or if you, like me, play a part in all of these scenarios), this sticker is for you.
The Snail Shell with Pictograms is more of a braiding of multiple inspirations - the golden ratio, archeological hikes, the ancient human drive to depict ourselves in the balance of nature. An image that sprang to mind and demanded to exist in the world.